Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The New Facebook Nightmare

   It was bad enough repelling all the spurious invites and announcements regarding how someone either won some badge, prize, etc. (like in Farmland, Bejeweled, and the various other plagues).

   Suddenly, you got hit with this strange obligation.  It has now gotten down to the point where I have to re-explain the fact that I do not, nor ever will, have any interest in this type of silliness.

   The latest one has mutated out of that tradition, just like a good virus does.   It works like this:

1.  Come up with some kind of generalized slogan, quote, what-the-fuck ever that you think will appeal to a decent hunk of the Great Masses.

2. Post it on your Wall, then . . .

3.  Imply to everyone that they most likely have a moral need to cut/paste such horse-hockey onto their own wall, and recommend same.

Chain letters have been, and continue to be a giant, hog-sucking mess on the Internet.  This one here is just a more evolved mutation.

Believe me.  I think it is past the point of saying it "might" become convention; it is already convention.

Do not cut and paste the words of other people just because they tell you, and somehow it makes sense to you.  Think your own thoughts!  Oh, that might cause headaches, but your connection will improve (if we all work together).

Cut and paste this to ten of your best friends.

1 comment:

  1. I will have you know that I understand what you'r saying ,however, there are some of us that just don't know the right words or how to say appropriately things we want too.
    I can think for myself but what's the harm in using another's words or thought's when it so you.
    Besides,it's easier to copy & paste.
